Household debt is up sharply, but don't worry ... yet.

Mar 5, 2024
The amount we are paying in interest on this debt — as a percentage of our income — has been climbing.
Anchiy/Getty Images

World Bank: Record debt hurting developing countries

Dec 14, 2023
Low and middle-income nations spent $443.5 billion on principal and interest in 2022, says global lender. Many defaulted in recent years.
In the last three years, countries defaulted on their debt 18 times, according to the World Bank.
Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

Study shows worrying credit card debt burden

Feb 8, 2018
People who have credit card debt in America carry, on average, about $11,000 of it. A new study from tells us that people in southern cities have the highest credit card debt burden, particularly in Texas. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.