Can BET's new streaming service improve the odds for black TV talent?

Sep 19, 2019
Just launched, Bet+ is expected to put pressure on incumbent services to make their content more diverse.
Filmmaker Tyler Perry’s entire catalogue will be available on BET Plus. Above, Perry and Taraji P. Henson at the 2019 BET Awards where Perry received the Ultimate Icon Award.
Liliane Lathan/Getty Images for BET

Comedy giant Walter Latham on why YouTube is the future

Aug 15, 2012
The comedy mogul who created "The Original Kings of Comedy" was recently one of four African Americans selected to partner with YouTube. He said his plan is to become the "better version of BET...but for the web."

BET CEO Debra Lee on television for a black audience

Jul 9, 2012
The CEO and president of BET Networks discusses television programming for African Americans, and the role of the network in today's media sphere.