So, is Bank of America safe now?

Aug 25, 2011
The news today that Warren Buffett made a $5 billion investment in Bank of America lifted the company's stock, along with most of the financial s...

You think it's tough doing business here?

Aug 23, 2011
Try Kyrgyzstan. At least one major foreign-run gold mining operation had its license suspended there, another was slapped with a $5 million fine,...

Compare and Contrast: Do the Markets Dictate Government Policy?

Aug 22, 2011
The markets are from Mars, and politicians are from Venus. The markets want more government stimulus. Governments just want to pay the debts the...

What's up with oil?

Aug 22, 2011
Libyan rebels are in Tripoli, spurring hopes that Libya will start pumping oil again soon. But oil prices are up today. What's up with that? Man...

The gold-to-decent-suit ratio

Aug 19, 2011
A "long-held rule in the marketplace" is that an ounce of gold, historically, has been able to buy a decent suit....

What's up with gold?

Aug 19, 2011
Fear and greed, that's what. The shiny stuff broke $1880 an ounce today, another record. That's making my Dad happy. He's been long gold a l...

European banks: new funding fears (FT)

Aug 18, 2011
The Financial Times reports that the European Central Bank has lent dollars to a eurozone bank for the first time since February in the latest sign...

For public good, not for profit.

Why we care about Eurozone debt.

Aug 18, 2011
Europe's problems are tanking bank stocks, as investors worry about a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis. Last time it was toxic mortgages that...

China T-bond sales fears. Real or imagined?

Aug 17, 2011
With Vice President Joe Biden in China, plenty of commentators are once again talking about China selling US Treasuries....

Shrugging off Europe's problems?

Aug 17, 2011
Investors were all hot and bothered about Europe yesterday. Today, maybe not so much. Markets here are up as investors focus on good earnings news....