John Green doesn't call himself a writer

Oct 19, 2015
But he's still a best-selling author. And he's keeping his YouTube day job.

High school will keep starting too early. Here's why.

Aug 25, 2014
Too little sleep is a health hazard, but school boards aren't changing.
The American Academy of Pediatrics is the latest group to declare that most middle and high school classes start too early for teenagers to properly function.
Eric James Sarmiento/Via creative commons

Teens now spending as much on food as clothes

Apr 10, 2014
A survey of buying habits says Starbucks is a top spending location.

The online life of a teenager

Mar 27, 2014
Are teens any worse at being plugged in all the time than adults?

If adults use their phones more than teens, then who's "addicted"?

Jan 27, 2014
One teen says "Look at the data." Not on your phone.

LinkedIn opens doors to younger teens

Sep 12, 2013
The company is lowering the entry age from 18 to 14.

For public good, not for profit.

Teenagers who could sign up for Medicaid, but don't

Sep 4, 2013
After a long fight over Obamacare, Michigan will offer expanded Medicaid coverage starting next spring. But will everyone take advantage of the benefit?

Jobstacles: For teens, soft skills are hard skills

Jun 20, 2013
Teen unemployment is at 24.4 percent, three times the national average. With opportunities so scarce, young jobseekers need to think about all the little things that could hurt their chances.

Teens tired of Facebook, hot on Twitter, savvy reputation managers

May 23, 2013
Teenagers are less into Facebook and more into Twitter these days, according to a new report from the Pew Internet and American Life project.