Stories Tagged as
Tracing the Obamacare subsidy
Mar 3, 2015
Insurance subsidies are central to the legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act.
The South is more likely to hand out corporate subsidies
Adam Ragusea
Jun 2, 2014
The Atlanta Braves' new stadium will be funded in large part by taxpayer dollars.
Farm bill would cut subsidies, but will it matter?
David Gura
Jan 29, 2014
For almost two decades, farmers have gotten what are called “direct payments” from the government.
At start of Ramadan, Egypt still feeling the strain
Jul 11, 2013
Turmoil continues in Egypt, but as news of $12 billion in aid and an interim prime minister appointment take hold, life on the ground in Cairo is also changing.
U.S., Mexico have lowest gas, carbon taxes in rich world
Scott Tong
Jan 28, 2013
Among the world's most developed countries, Turkey and the Netherlands tax gas and carbon use at the highest rate; the U.S., Mexico and Canada tax carbon and gas at the lowest rates.
Middle class moochers?
Sep 6, 2012
How tax exemptions and subsidies help pay for the American lifestyle.
Rethinking public subsidies in higher education
Aug 31, 2012
Commentator Andrew Kelly says tax dollars should fund innovation in higher education, not more of the same