World War II code breakers developed your smartphone

Mar 12, 2012
Before there was Marc Zuckerberg, before there was Steve Jobs, before there was Bill Gates, there was Alan Turing. He conceived of the idea of the universal computer.

Campaign contributions go mobile

Jan 31, 2012
Armed with a smartphone and a special app from Square, fundraisers can collect credit card donations on the spot.

A few big data users slow us all down

Jan 6, 2012
A new study says just 1 percent of mobile users hog half the available wireless capacity.

Cashless apps: Shopping without a wallet

Dec 16, 2011
New apps are allowing consumers to use their smartphones to shop and not have to carry a dime. We take one out for a road test.
New apps are allowing consumers to use their smartphones to shop and not have to carry a dime.
Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Is Carrier IQ spying on you?

Dec 2, 2011
Hidden software in millions of smartphones appears to log keystrokes.

China surpasses U.S. to become biggest smartphone market

Nov 23, 2011
China is now the world's largest smartphone market -- but smartphones there aren't quite the same as the ones Americans are used to.

For public good, not for profit.

Auto Apps 101: Navigating the roads with your smartphone

Apr 26, 2011
With the thousands of smart phone apps now available, there are plenty of useful ones for drivers. There are apps to help you find your car in a ...