Stories Tagged as
Senior citizens
Seniors on limited incomes find ways to cope in the pandemic
Nov 26, 2020
Social Security, Medicare prove key to helping two older women in San Francisco remain financially stable.
A senior citizen working through the pandemic
Kai Ryssdal
and Maria Hollenhorst
Apr 2, 2020
“I just take one day at a time,” said Gaile Harrell, a part-time convenience store employee in Ashburn, Virgina.
More seniors are working — some by choice, others by necessity
David Wagner
May 1, 2019
Americans aged 65 and older are more likely to keep working into old age.
Wanted: Elder transportation solutions
Jan 30, 2019
With 600,000 people over the age of 70 quitting driving every year, demand for transportation to get elders to medical appointments, stores and the like will grow.
Seniors are still struggling to recover after the financial crisis
Erika Beras
Dec 19, 2018
The number of seniors filing for bankruptcy has nearly doubled since 2007 to a record high of 12 percent, part of it driven by the financial crisis; another part by mounting debt for things like medical care, mortgage loans and credit card bills.
As homelessness rate rises for elderly, some finding shelter in cars
Nov 9, 2018
In some parts of the country, like Central Florida, senior citizens make up about 10 percent of the homeless population.
How food banks are reaching high-risk seniors
Oct 11, 2018
The AARP estimates more than 10 million people 50 and older are at risk of going hungry every day in the United States. In Florida, where many baby boomers retire, this food insecurity is compounded by a lack of public transportation. Some food banks are holding food drops to bring food and other health-related events […]
For public good, not for profit.
Trump unveils plan for cutting drug prices. Will it work?
May 11, 2018
President Donald Trump on Friday took the wraps off his long-awaited plan for cutting drug prices. In a speech, the president announced measures to increase competition and pricing transparency as ways to drive down costs, which have been spiraling. He did not put forward any plan to use the huge buying power of the federal […]
The older generation wants to know more about smartphones
Molly Wood
Mar 30, 2017
Predictive text, Wi-Fi and selfies were all on the lesson plan at a seminar in NYC.
Retirees' economic concerns drive Florida vote
Nov 3, 2016
Florida's senior citizen population is growing, and is divided along ideological lines.