Home day cares are disappearing across California

Apr 2, 2018
Finding child care in California, especially for infants, is getting harder to do. The number of licensed home day cares has steeply declined in the state with thousands closing the last decade. Since 2008, the state has seen a 26 percent decline in the number of these small businesses, according to a recent report from […]

How recess can make students better job candidates

Dec 19, 2017
Giving students short breaks each day can do a lot.
Marianne Todd/Getty Images

Could work-based learning help rural towns prepare students for a new economy close to home?

Aug 14, 2017
One small fishing town in Maine is trying something new to help the next generation gain valuable work skills: a new charter school focused on the idea of work-based learning — designed to put students into the community and expose them to different kinds of jobs in their state.
Sixth-grader Easton Dundore shovels mulch used to grow vegetables inside a student-designed hoop house at the Harpswell Coastal Academy in Harpswell, Maine.
Brett Plymale/ for Marketplace

Budget standoffs in three states result in government shutdowns

Jul 3, 2017
Illinois isn't the only state with budget woes.
A view of the New Jersey State House, the area's capitol building.
Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images

The Common Application gets an update

May 29, 2017
The application used by thousands of high school students to apply to colleges is going to get a new version, one that tailors to a large but under-recognized portion of the student population. The Common Application will roll out an updated transfer version next year that tailors to students such as parents with children who […]

Gap years: just for the rich?

Oct 19, 2016
Taking time off between high school and college is becoming increasingly popular.
A view of Harvard University.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Why perseverance and curiosity are just as important as 'academic' skills

May 24, 2016
Writer Paul Tough joins us to talk about his new book "Helping Children Succeed: What Works and Why."
Skills instilled during early childhood are crucial for long-term success, writer Paul Tough says.
Chris Hondros/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

For working parents, summer break is no vacation

May 23, 2016
With school out, what to do with the kids is a constant dilemma.
Wanda Gomez registers voters outside a grocery store during her sons’ spring break. Her sons say “Today is a pool day,” but Gomez has to work.
Rowan Moore Gerety/WLRN

Irish pharma firm offers overdose drugs to schools

May 2, 2016
The overdose drug Narcan keeps people alive until emergency services arrive.
Adapt Pharma is offering a free carton of Narcan Nasal Spray to all high schools in the U.S.
Image via Adapt Pharma