Stories Tagged as
Streets used to be full of kids playing. Can those spaces be reclaimed?
Kai Ryssdal
and Sarah Leeson
Sep 17, 2024
As neighborhoods experiment with play streets, grownups can reconsider modern parenting, Stephanie Murray wrote in The Atlantic.
As gas taxes dwindle, states seek ways to charge EVs
Sep 12, 2023
With electric vehicles becoming more common, some states, like Texas, are levying flat fees to make up the shortfall.
Don't panic, it's just a roundabout
Kai Ryssdal
Dec 22, 2022
The modern roundabout was created in 1960s Britain. But since the '90s, the small Indianapolis suburb of Carmel, Indiana has slowly become the roundabout capital of the United States.
Next on Democrats' agenda, a "holistic" infrastructure bill
Mar 15, 2021
Green energy, internet connectivity and new school buildings are likely to be on the agenda for the White House and Democrats.
People are finding ways to get their potholes filled
Ben Bradford
May 13, 2019
From vigilantism to crude graffiti, how civilians are fixing their streets.
The future of American infrastructure might lie in public-private partnerships
Feb 6, 2019
The promise of investment in "cutting-edge" technology came out of this year's State of the Union.
What happens to abandoned cars
Jul 19, 2017
You've always wondered: Can we use them to pay for better roads?
For public good, not for profit.
America’s infrastructure is underachieving
Mar 9, 2017
The grade: D+. But there were a few categories improved upon.
Fierce opposition to gas tax proposal in Tennessee
Feb 27, 2017
Despite closed bridges and major bottlenecks, the state still faces an uphill fight for its first gas tax increase in 28 years.
Georgia project aims to build smarter roads
Feb 13, 2017
Cars are getting more sophisticated, and 'dumb' highways are slowly evolving to catch up to them.