Stories Tagged as
AARP survey shows many older adults worry about financing retirement
May 6, 2024
More than 60% of people over 50 are worried they won’t have enough money to live on in retirement, which is more than last year, according to a recent survey from AARP.
More Americans are dipping into retirement funds for emergencies
Henry Epp
Nov 21, 2023
“Hardship withdrawals” are rising, Fidelity Investments reports, most commonly to avoid eviction or foreclosure or pay medical bills.
The latest push for a national retirement savings system
David Brancaccio
, Chris Farrell
and Alex Schroeder
Nov 8, 2023
A new bill follows up on recent bipartisan legislation to expand access to retirement savings.
How the U.S. retirement system stacks up against the rest of the world
David Brancaccio
, Chris Farrell
and Alex Schroeder
Nov 7, 2023
A recent global ranking of 47 retirement income systems puts the U.S. right in the mediocre middle at 22nd place.
Retirement doesn't appeal to a notary in Texas who's still enjoying work
Sarah Leeson
Oct 31, 2023
"This particular job, one of the reasons I took it is because I knew that you'd never stop learning, and I find that really exciting," said Violet O'Brien, a notary in Houston.
Older people also face student loan debt burden with payments looming
David Brancaccio
, Chris Farrell
and Alex Schroeder
Sep 14, 2023
Much attention is paid to younger borrowers, and rightfully so. But some 3.5 million Americans 60 and older hold substantial debt.
Why labor shortages aren't going anywhere
Aug 31, 2023
With the acceleration of baby boomer retirements, multiple sectors face long-term challenges finding enough workers to meet demand.
For public good, not for profit.
401(k) balances are rising, but most savers still won't have enough for retirement
Aug 18, 2023
The average 401(k) balance is a tenth of what a middle-class person would need to maintain their lifestyle, one expert says.
By 2050, demographic shifts could mean a very different global economy
Kai Ryssdal
and Sarah Leeson
Aug 10, 2023
Today, nearly a third of Japan's population is over the age of 65. Compared to how much wealthy nations' populations will age in the coming decades though, Japan "is only the tip of the iceberg" says New York Times journalist Lauren Leatherby.
Pay off student loans, or save for retirement? Both.
Jul 28, 2023
A new law set to go into effect next year would allow you to double your money when you pay student loans.