Stories Tagged as
Retirement savings
More companies are starting emergency savings programs for employees
Oct 22, 2020
Are they any better than a traditional bank savings account?
More people are eligible to tap retirement savings without penalty
David Brancaccio
, Scott Tong
and Alex Schroeder
Jun 22, 2020
The big change: If your spouse's job has been hit by COVID-19 you may be eligible to pull as much as $100,000 from retirement savings — penalty-free.
Americans can now tap 401(k)s without penalty. Here's how it works.
Apr 8, 2020
People affected by the crisis can access of up to $100,000 of their retirement savings without the usual 10% penalty.
One idea to pay off student debt: use your retirement account
Justin Ho
Dec 5, 2019
Senator Rand Paul wants to allow people to use retirement accounts to pay off student debt, tax- and penalty-free.
FAQ: What’s the best strategy for maximizing Social Security?
Oct 16, 2019
Does it change if you’re single or married?
How retirees cope when their savings are at the mercy of the markets
Janet Nguyen
Aug 26, 2019
Market volatility and the possibility of a recession have affected some retirees' financial decisions.
Investors have been piling into gold this year
Justin Ho
Aug 21, 2019
Gold prices are up sharply since the start of the year. Part of that is the market turmoil, pushing investors toward safe havens. But it’s also gotten a lot easier — and cheaper — to invest in gold.
For public good, not for profit.
Why banks are doubling down on wealth management services
Justin Ho
Jul 23, 2019
For big banks, loans and stock trading are becoming less reliable sources of income.
Scammers are targeting retirement savings. Here's how to fight them.
Aug 14, 2018
Con artists are zeroing in on the retirement savings and other assets of an aging population, some of whom might already be suffering from cognitive decline.
Waiting out a down market may be tough for workers headed toward retirement
Erika Beras
Feb 9, 2018
All that advice about taking a deep breath, focusing on the long term and not obsessing about the balance in your retirement accounts as the markets take a wild ride sounds a lot better when you’re not headed toward retirement soon. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.