Stories Tagged as
Property tax
Sharp property tax increases shock residents of south suburban Chicago
Dec 26, 2024
The sudden rise in property taxes in Chicago’s south suburbs is due in part to commercial disinvestment and a shrinking tax base, experts say.
Declining property tax collection may hit city budgets
Matt Levin
Nov 15, 2022
Seattle recently had to redraw its budget after forecasting a $27 million drop in revenue from one real estate tax.
Cities and states that lean on sales and income tax to operate have taken a hit
Apr 15, 2020
A place like Columbus, Ohio, relies on income tax for 75% of its revenue.
Thousands pay their 2018 taxes early in hopes of using eliminated deductions
Dec 27, 2017
Long lines form at tax offices as homeowners try to hack the tax reform bill.
Key question on the GOP tax plan: What’s your ZIP code?
Nov 2, 2017
The GOP tax bill as written gets rid of deductions for state and local income taxes and would cap state and local property tax deductions at $10,000. It would also limit the mortgage interest deduction by capping it at $500,000 for future home purchases. These provisions will have a bigger impact in some parts of […]
Chicago faces historic tax hike to fund massive debt
Nova Safo
Sep 23, 2015
The proposed $544 million property tax hike would pay for pension shortfalls.
Overdue reassessments hit homeowners hard
Audrey Quinn
Sep 3, 2014
Some cities and towns hadn't reassessed property values in decades.
For public good, not for profit.
North Dakota could eliminate property tax
Jun 12, 2012
If voters today choose to wipe out the property tax in the state, it would be a first for the nation and would be nearly $1 billion taken from the budget.
In Greece, new property tax sparks anger
Feb 17, 2012
The Greek government has introduced a new property tax so that it can increase revenue but many Greeks say it's unfair and unwise.