Stories Tagged as
Paid sick leave
Is the American disability system prepared for long COVID-19?
Apr 22, 2021
A growing number of patients continue to have symptoms months after the onset of COVID-19, even after tests no longer detect it.
Lack of paid sick time could be a barrier to vaccination
Apr 19, 2021
Low-wage workers are least likely to get paid time off and often have less predictable, flexible schedules.
Why businesses are pushing Congress to expand paid family and medical leave
Mar 24, 2021
Federal funds would help businesses who already offer paid leave — and be an incentive for those who don't.
Paid sick leave prevents thousands of COVID cases daily, study says
Nov 5, 2020
But the U.S. is way behind most developed countries in mandating paid sick leave.
Coronavirus is pressuring some companies to offer paid sick leave
Mar 12, 2020
There is no federal mandate for paid sick time, though some states require it.
America's lack of sick leave is a problem in COVID-19 outbreak
Feb 26, 2020
About a third of workers in the U.S. don't have sick days, and many that do don't use them.