Stories Tagged as
Oil drilling
Biden administration restarts oil and gas leases on federal lands
Andy Uhler
Apr 18, 2022
The move shows the president is trying to bring down prices, but he also appears to be going back on his word to curb oil and gas production.
Frackers face labor, equipment and materials shortages as they try to capitalize on high oil prices
Andy Uhler
Mar 11, 2022
The people and equipment they need are already hard at work.
Oil prices are high. So why aren't U.S. oil producers drilling?
Andy Uhler
Jul 6, 2021
Two reasons: reluctant investors and potential regulations.
Company wins court battle over exploratory oil drilling in Florida Everglades
Mar 20, 2019
After years of legal battles, a Miami-based company won the right to carry out exploratory oil drilling in the Florida Everglades.
What "Armageddon" got right about space drilling, and what it (mostly) didn't
Molly Wood
Aug 16, 2018
Little about the 1998 blockbuster is true to life, but mining asteroids and comets is "humanity’s future, I’m pretty convinced of that," one expert says.
Republican governors join growing calls against offshore oil and gas drilling
Amy Scott
Jan 10, 2018
The Trump administration’s plan to open most U.S. coastal waters to offshore oil and gas drilling is facing stiff opposition from many in the president’s own party. On Tuesday, the administration said drilling would no longer be considered off the coast of Florida after pressure from Republican Gov. Rick Scott. And today, South Carolina Gov. […]
Why oil companies might prefer West Texas over new offshore oil sites
Apr 28, 2017
President Trump’s latest executive order seeks to open new federal waters for offshore drilling, but the most popular place for oil companies is decidedly land based – the Permian Basin in Texas. Click the audio player above to hear the full story.
For public good, not for profit.
Oil prices are down, and so is exploring for oil
Scott Tong
Aug 31, 2016
Last year, oil companies found the lowest new reserves in 70 years.
Halliburton is a bellwether for oil drilling in US
Scott Tong
Oct 19, 2015
As drilling shuts down, the oil-field service company adapts.
Mexico's auction of new areas for oil drilling succeeds
Nova Safo
Oct 1, 2015
Mexico badly needs to increase oil production to support the government and economy.