Methane leaks are pollution — and waste

Aug 18, 2015
The EPA is issuing rules limiting methane leaks in the drilling, production and transportation of natural gas and oil.

One fossil fuel won't lower its emissions: natural gas

Aug 4, 2015
Natural gas produces only half the carbon-dioxide emissions as coal, but its emissions will grow as it continues to replace coal.

Nuclear renaissance ebbs at largest public utility

Apr 27, 2015
The Tennessee Valley Authority is scaling back its plans for more nuclear power.

What it's like to drive a car powered by natural gas

Nov 10, 2014
Marketplace’s Scott Tong conducted a test drive on a recent reporting trip to Michigan.

The lingering effect of last year's tough winter

Oct 13, 2014
The U.S. Energy Department says heating costs are likely to be less this winter.

U.S. natural gas could be geopolitical weapon

Mar 6, 2014
Lessening Ukraine and Europe's dependence on Russian energy.

For public good, not for profit.

Natural gas bills are up and not just because of cold

Feb 25, 2014
Customers in the Northeast and Midwest are about to get big natural-gas bills, not only because they used a lot of gas during the freezing month of January.

Pennsylvania court: Towns can restrict fracking

Dec 20, 2013
Pennsylvania's Supreme Court has tossed out a big part of a law that would have allowed gas companies drilling wells to ignore local restrictions.

The war on the 'War on Coal'

Oct 30, 2013
The coal industry and its political supporters have launched their counterattack to EPA rules.