Study: U.S. doctors are 'burned out'

Aug 21, 2012
A new study from the Mayo Clinic shows high burnout rates among physicians compared with the general public, especially for emergency room, family and general internal medicine doctors.

The effort to keep the small town doctor around

Mar 16, 2012
As more and more people move to urban areas, how do you keep doctors down on the farm?

Need a new jaw? Just print one up

Feb 21, 2012
Medical breakthrough in Belgium could provide for new possibilities in cosmetic medical work.

In the future, you'll take medicine without taking medicine

Feb 17, 2012
Scientists working at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have successfully tested a system to deliver medicine into a patient's body thought an implanted chip.

Would you let your doctor own what you say online?

Dec 1, 2011
Patients are beginning to challenge the legality of the "privacy agreements" that some medical offices are enforcing as a way for doctors to control what's said about him or her online.

For public good, not for profit.

Fake organs need fake tubes

Sep 16, 2011
German scientists are using 3D printing technology to print blood vessels that efficiently supply nutrients to artificial organs. The missing link...

Cure for Tinnitus?

Sep 16, 2011
Researchers think they've found a new way to cure tinnitus, the constant ear-ringing that some people suffer from. It's believed that the ringing...

Pain detection machine invented

Sep 14, 2011
Researchers at Stanford University have invented a pain detector. They can now tell if someone is in pain using brain scans and that means they don...