Stories Tagged as
Long-term unemployment
"Damaged goods": Being unemployed for months takes a toll.
Dec 10, 2024
The ranks of the long-term unemployed have swelled to 1.7 million. The psychological effects add to the economic pain.
Long-term unemployment a challenge for women over 40
Sep 30, 2021
An AARP report shows nearly 70% of those unemployed in June had been out of work for six months or more.
Although other numbers are falling, the number of people receiving extended unemployment remains high
Jun 10, 2021
Many of them will face the hardest path back into the labor force.
With long-term unemployment comes long-term challenges
Jun 3, 2021
The stigma impacts employers who are less likely to hire those applicants and job seekers who internalize shame and doubt.
A woman's struggle to overcome long-term unemployment
May 26, 2021
Nearly 3 million women have left the workforce since the pandemic hit.
Why long-term unemployment starts at 27 weeks
Andie Corban
and Kai Ryssdal
May 20, 2021
More than 4 million Americans have been unemployed for more than six months. Previous recessions have redefined long-term unemployment.
Long-term unemployment rose slightly in December
Jan 8, 2021
But it doesn't account for those who've stopped looking for work.
For public good, not for profit.
In their prime, out of the labor force
Dec 7, 2015
More than 1 million prime-age workers are not actively looking for work.
The numbers for October 16, 2014
Tony Wagner
Oct 16, 2014
Will today's announcement solve Apple's iPad problem? Let's do the numbers.
A push to hire the long-term unemployed
Oct 16, 2014
One company’s approach: Forget resumes. Turn to videos.