Stories Tagged as
Labor market
The Chinese manufacturers behind U.S. shoe brands
Jennifer Pak
Oct 3, 2019
Shoe manufacturing shifted from Europe and the U.S., to Japan and Brazil, then to South Korea and Taiwan. Now, much of it takes place in mainland China.
How veterans are faring in the tight labor market
Sep 5, 2019
One out of every 10 businesses in the U.S. is owned by veterans, and most of those are small businesses. But, like the rest of American workers, low unemployment is changing how they are entering the workforce.
Advocates of “instant hiring” urge companies to take back their time
Aug 6, 2019
In a tight labor market, timing might be everything.
Who still earns the minimum wage in a tight labor market?
Erika Beras
Jul 2, 2019
Some states and several cities and counties are raising their minimum wages this week
What does it take to establish yourself in a "winner-take-all" economy?
Kai Ryssdal
and Daniel Shin
Jun 18, 2019
The New York Times' Neil Irwin has spent some time trying to figure out exactly that.
How trade policy changes are affecting one company in Columbus, Georgia
Kai Ryssdal
and Daisy Palacios
Jun 17, 2019
And how its customers are thinking about supply chains.
India: where a million new jobs a month isn't enough
Anu Anand
May 13, 2019
India isn't generating enough jobs to lift living standards.
For public good, not for profit.
Here's what's driving increasing college enrollment
Apr 29, 2019
New data from the Labor Department show more high school graduates enrolled in college last year than in 2017. Nearly 69 percent of 2018 high school graduates went to college, compared to 67 percent the year before. College enrollment has steadily risen over the last decade or so. Click the audio player above to hear […]
The cost of youth unemployment
Adrian Ma
Apr 4, 2019
There are about 4.5 million young adults in their late teens and early 20s who are neither in school nor working.