Stories Tagged as
Internet access
How are Black communities in the rural South dealing with digital redlining?
Kai Ryssdal
and Richard Cunningham
Jan 26, 2024
Aallyah Wright of Capital B News traveled to Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia to see how people are coping with limited internet access.
States get $42 billion to expand high-speed internet to underserved communities
Jun 27, 2023
The federal funding aims to ensure internet access is as widely accessible as electricity.
Millions of eligible Americans are missing out on broadband internet subsidies
Jan 24, 2022
People without reliable internet access can be hard to reach.
FCC proposes rule change to help tribal libraries with broadband
Oct 25, 2021
A change to the E-Rate program could help tribal libraries get online.
Broadband, computer subsidies on the way for those who qualify
May 11, 2021
Applications open May 12 for low-income consumers who need help paying for faster, more reliable internet.
Native American community colleges see enrollment declines because of COVID-19
Aaron Bolton
Apr 14, 2021
Some students lacked internet and other technology for remote learning. Some schools have provided incentives like free laptops.
For people without internet service, getting a vaccination appointment can be difficult
Andy Uhler
Mar 26, 2021
Appointment systems that rely on the internet don't take into account the digital divide in the U.S.
For public good, not for profit.
Change in FCC leadership may renew net neutrality battle
Dec 1, 2020
Ajit Pai's departure could lead to a Democratic majority on the commission and is expected to spark new policy fights.
For many in rural parts of the U.S., internet access is still elusive
Andy Uhler
Oct 6, 2020
Rural counties in Mississippi received a $4.6 million grant to connect schools, businesses and public services to the internet.
Silicon Valley congressman on distributing tech jobs across the country
David Brancaccio
and Rose Conlon
Aug 12, 2020
Rep. Ro Khanna says we need to expand access to the innovation economy.