How the 1 percent got to the top of the money pile

Oct 14, 2015
Want to join them? Author Sam Wilkin has a manual for you.

It's official: The 1% own half the world's wealth

Oct 13, 2015
A global wealth report says ownership of stocks and bonds helps create inequality.

How elite students get elite jobs

May 22, 2015
Why people from exclusive or affluent backgrounds often land the most prestigious jobs.

Doing the numbers on the super rich

Jan 22, 2015
The 80 wealthiest people on earth are worth as much as the bottom 50 percent.

Global gaps: income and wealth inequality

Jan 16, 2015
Branko Milanovic discusses income and wealth gaps in the global economy

Is London too expensive for poor Londoners?

May 20, 2014
Charities say large numbers of poor Londoners are being priced out of the city.

For public good, not for profit.

Ranking cities from Miami to Boston to Wichita on inequality

Feb 20, 2014
A new report from the Brookings Institution tracks American cities with the highest and lowest rates of economic inequality. Some cities with less inequality look a lot like the suburbs.
A view of San Francisco's famed Painted Ladies victorian houses on February 18, 2014 in San Francisco, California.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News

How free is free enterprise?

Jan 30, 2014
The firm LRN has been surveying companies to see how free they are.

Inequality on the docket at World Economic Forum in Davos

Jan 21, 2014
The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum kicks off this week, in Davos, Switzerland. This year, one of the items on the agenda is inequality.