Stories Tagged as
Health care insurance
As Obamacare stays – for now – health insurance companies look elsewhere for profits
Jul 19, 2017
After months and years of trying, there’s going to be no replacing — or repealing — of Obamacare. At least for now. You might expect that health insurance companies have been holding their breath, waiting to see what’s next. But it turns out many of the larger insurers don’t make much of their money selling insurance in […]
Red state Kansas considers expanding Medicaid. Will others follow?
Mar 29, 2017
We’re still sifting through the fallout of Republicans’ failure to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act last week. One consequence: It’s reignited the debate in some states about whether to expand Medicaid. First out of the gate, the Kansas Legislature. Yesterday, state lawmakers sent the governor a bill to do just that. Nineteen states […]
Why health insurance execs are a stressed-out bunch
Sep 10, 2015
Another challenge to the Affordable Care Act means another round of uncertainty.
You care, I care, we all care about Obamacare
Oct 23, 2013
President Obama promised that no one who had health insurance would have to change because of the new health care law. He meant employer-sponsored insurance.
How do you know if you have good health insurance?
Sep 13, 2013
Health insurance can be confusing. Here's a guide to help you determine whether you have a good plan or not.
Affordable Care Act opens up possibilities for uninsured
Sep 13, 2013
One retiree shares his story about how he's been living without insurance for a year.
For public good, not for profit.
Massachusetts and the high price of health care
Sep 11, 2012
Six years after sweeping health care reform, Massachusetts is still struggling to lower the cost of care.
How the IRS will enforce health care 'tax' penalty
Aug 2, 2012
The House Oversight Committee examines how the IRS will collect taxes from people who fail to buy health insurance under the Affordable Care Act.
Health industry faces big decisions with Supreme Court ruling
Jeff Horwich
Jun 27, 2012
It's hard to find an example of the Supreme Court tossing out a law, where more had already been done to implement it. If even part of health care reform is tossed out, insurers and regulators face a huge task deciding what to undo, and how.