Why having a work spouse is good for you

Feb 9, 2018
It makes you more engaged.
Having a coworker to share jokes with can go a long way towards making you happier at work. 
Andrew Burton/Getty Images

If you're happy and you know it, write a tweet

Feb 10, 2015
The "hedonometer" is a data-based meter that measures happiness in real time.

Money can buy you less unhappiness

Jan 23, 2015
Hidden among psychological mumbo-jumbo is a truth: Negative memories stick with us.

What exists between desire and fulfillment?

Jan 16, 2015
How the gap between wanting something and getting it affects our finances

What brings people to cities with unhappy residents?

Jul 14, 2014
A study suggests residents of Rust Belt cities tend to say they aren't happy.

For public good, not for profit.

U.S. is 17th in happiness

Sep 9, 2013
Denmark tops the United Nation's World Happiness Report list. America drops to 17th.

The new measure of America

Jun 19, 2013
'Measure of America' is an index that wraps GDP, general well-being and access to opportunity into one number.

United Nations looks at world happiness levels

A new report of the world's happiest countries helps point to factors besides GDP that help contribute to a happy population.
A young boy smiles in Dublin, Ireland on March 17, 2012. A new study by the U.N. took happiness of countries into account for the first time.