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Snapchat...but for your face

Sep 26, 2016
Snapchat announced a pair of camera-enabled glasses and a name change.
Courtesy: Snapchat

Google stops Glass production, at least for now

Jan 16, 2015
"Everybody who touched the Glass did not become an evangelist." That was a problem.

Google decides to shelve Glass, for now

Jan 16, 2015
Google Glass may still have a future, just not in its present form.

A fashion makeover for wearable technology

Aug 11, 2014
Tech companies hope fashion and wearables make a good team.

My six weeks with Google Glass

Jun 4, 2014
Rory Cellan-Jones set out to figure out just how functional Google Glass really is

60 million people will get new Google Glass frames covered by insurance

Jan 28, 2014
Google signed a deal with optical insurer VSP to cover new titanium Glass frames.

Barging in on Google

Nov 1, 2013
Rumors abound about what Google is housing in a floating barge in the San Francisco Bay Area.

For public good, not for profit.

Friends don't let friends Google Glass and drive

Oct 31, 2013
A woman in California got a traffic ticket for wearing her Google Glass while driving.

In wearable tech, products designed for the wrist could have the upper hand

Oct 29, 2013
As smart phones gained popularity, people quit looking at their wrists to tell the time. But now, Samsung and Google could be about to spar over that piece of real estate.
The Pebble (pictured above), a so-called smartwatch, could have some company soon - Samsung is predicted to announce their version of the smartwatch on Wednesday.
via getpebble.com

Google Glass wants to track how you watch ads

Aug 26, 2013
A new app for Google Glass measures pupil dilation in reaction to advertisements.