Stories Tagged as
File sharing
Why e-books make things complicated for libraries
Andie Corban
and Kai Ryssdal
Dec 4, 2019
Digital books are more expensive than physical books and create logistical challenges for libraries.
Keeping track of Ebola
Molly Wood
Nov 5, 2014
Reporter Colin Baker talks through the difficulties of collecting data on Ebola.
Kim Dotcom goes 'Mega'
Jan 21, 2013
The controversial and colorful online troublemaker Kim Dotcom has a new business venture. His last one, the file-sharing site Megaupload, got him indicted by American authorities, who say he got rich pirating content. He's new venture is just called Mega.
Google hiding 'pirate' sites to make friends in Hollywood
Molly Wood
Aug 14, 2012
As the search giant branches into Hollywood, it takes a tougher stance on copyright issues.
Google steps into file sharing scrap
Molly Wood
Mar 21, 2012
The search giant backs up Hotfile in action against the Motion Picture Association of America.
EFF joins in fight to retrieve files from Megaupload before they’re deleted
John Moe
Feb 1, 2012
Clock is running on those Megaupload servers
The soap operatic tale of Megaupload
Marc Sanchez
Jan 30, 2012
Don't worry, this story won't be taken down by the FBI
For public good, not for profit.
Megaupload goes down, gets ready for court
John Moe
Jan 20, 2012
Where can I get an illegal bootleg copy of that indictment?
Megaupload's mega-takedown
Molly Wood
Jan 20, 2012
The enormous file-sharing site gets shut down by the feds.