Tech IRL: Dynamic maps and how we get directions

Nov 19, 2014
Free digital maps are changing the way we get around, but is personal data the price?

Public transportation at its highest level since 1956

Mar 10, 2014
Americans took more than 10 billion public transport trips in 2013.

License, registration...and cellphone

Jun 13, 2013
A state lawmaker in New Jersey has proposed a bill to allow law enforcement to confiscate a phone if they have "reasonable grounds" to believe it contributed to a crash.

When cars themselves are backseat drivers

Mar 18, 2013
Commentator Beth Teitell on the downsides of increasingly intelligent car technology.

Shorter yellow lights mean more red-light revenue

Nov 21, 2012
Some cities with red-light traffic cameras are accused of reducing times for yellow lights to boost revenue from tickets.

Smartphone app fixes Boston potholes

Jun 14, 2012
Boston has a new app that lets drivers locate bad bumps, and sends pothole fix-it lists to city workers.

For public good, not for profit.

Chicago's speed cameras: Safety tool or cash cow?

Apr 18, 2012
The Chicago City Council may allow allow speed cameras around the city, with fines as much as $100. Mayor Rahm Emanuel says it'll improve safety for kids. Others call it a cash grab.

Another reason not to drive

Jul 21, 2008
As if gas prices weren't enough to discourage us from getting behind the wheel. The AP gives us reasons to watch out for who might be driving that...