Stories Tagged as
Day care
The labor shortage continues in child care
Dec 9, 2021
One result of the ongoing staff shortage is that parents may have trouble finding daycare slots for their kids.
Day care providers struggle to compete with rising wages
Oct 13, 2021
The pandemic has shown that child care in the U.S. isn’t working. Most early childhood caregivers and teachers don’t earn a living wage.
Essential worker parents struggle with remote school
Dec 17, 2020
Those who work outside the home must often rely on family or pay for help to supervise kids.
Home day cares are disappearing across California
Priska Neely
Apr 2, 2018
Finding child care in California, especially for infants, is getting harder to do. The number of licensed home day cares has steeply declined in the state with thousands closing the last decade. Since 2008, the state has seen a 26 percent decline in the number of these small businesses, according to a recent report from […]
Will work – if they can find child care
Annie Baxter
Jan 15, 2015
Americans who work nontraditional hours struggle to find round-the-clock day care.
New York begins free universal pre-kindergarten
Gigi Douban
Sep 3, 2014
Free universal pre-K begins as part of an initiative by new mayor Bill de Blasio.
Your Wallet: The rising costs of childcare
Jul 28, 2014
Child care costs continue to rise in the U.S. We want to know how you cope.