Stories Tagged as
U.S. carbon emissions fell in 2023, mainly thanks to natural gas displacing coal at power plants
Henry Epp
Feb 22, 2024
Emissions from transportation, on the other hand, were up.
Some African countries are benefiting from EU members' search for new energy sources
Jul 19, 2022
South Africa has seen a boom in coal exports. But critics say European countries shouldn't keep feeding their coal habit.
The current coal boom doesn't mean the industry will fire up production anytime soon
Justin Hicks
Jun 10, 2022
The price of coal has risen due to a surge in global demand. Still, signs point toward a continued decline for the U.S. coal sector.
Coal prices are way up and long-term commitments from customers are hard to find
Andy Uhler
Jun 2, 2022
Traditionally, when coal prices spike, many plants switch to natural gas. But with natural gas prices at record highs too, some power providers are at a loss.
U.S. coal isn't counting on Europe for a comeback
Lily Jamali
May 17, 2022
The coal industry's decline over the last decade has made scaling up tough, even as prices surge.
Coal, the dirtiest of the fossil fuels, is in high demand
Lily Jamali
Apr 26, 2022
While coal is having a resurgence as a fuel source, the spike in its use may not last.
For Europe, quitting Russian coal will be easier than quitting Russian natural gas
Lily Jamali
Apr 5, 2022
Russia supplies more of the EU's oil and gas than it does coal.
For public good, not for profit.
Coal prices are high as stockpiles hit new lows
Andy Uhler
Nov 30, 2021
Coal producers are reluctant to ramp up production because it takes a lot of money. And who knows how long demand will last?
U.S., other countries cut funding for international fossil fuel projects
Nov 4, 2021
Instead, they'll put about $18 billion a year into renewable energy projects.
Coal prices are rising, but producers can't keep up with demand
Andy Uhler
Oct 7, 2021
Coal, far from being phased out in many countries, is a stand-in for natural gas — which is also very expensive right now.