Microsoft "gets" another device maker

Oct 24, 2011
Not sure what verb to use here, really. Gets, grabs, apprehends, takes hold of, captures, nabs, pinches....

Apple not blocking bum certificates

Sep 8, 2011
We've been talking on our show about these stolen/forged digital certificates that theoretically allow hackers to slip between your browser and a...

Google launches Google Related

Aug 17, 2011
It's a new extension for the Chrome browser. The way it works is that you'll be on a page and there will be a little box down at the bottom of the...

Chrome 11 has more integrated Google Translate, will lead to lazier kids

Apr 28, 2011
The latest version of Chrome lets you talk into your computer's microphone and it will translate what you say into text. It's another incorporation...

Apple adding Do Not Track to next Safari

Apr 14, 2011
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the next version of the Apple operating system, code name Lion, will feature a Do Not Track feature baked...

Firefox 4 to launch next week

Mar 18, 2011
Suddenly the browser wars are just flat blowing up. Google released its latest version of Chrome last week. This week saw the release of Internet...

You can block search spam on Google

Mar 11, 2011
New feature on the search engine lets you block sites you don't want to see so they'll never come up again in your searches. You'll need a Google ...

For public good, not for profit.

Google fights search spam with browser extension

Feb 15, 2011
Want to sound up on things? Learn the term "search spam". Impress your friends! Because that's rapidly becoming a major concern over at Google....

Google's Chrome app store is a dud

Jan 5, 2011
Google launched this store for apps that can be used out of its Chrome browser last month amid at least a modicum of hoopla. But the sales figures...

Google wants to sell you a new tablet computer

Dec 7, 2010
Sometimes I try to take a more clear-eyed and/or cynical view of new gadgetry. Because as neat as something is, as advanced as its technology may...