Stories Tagged as
Charitable giving
I think the soup is worth $0.34, so that's what I'll pay
Mar 27, 2013
Panera Bread today expands its experiment in “pay what you want” pricing, allowing patrons in St. Louis to name their own price for a bowl of turkey chili.
Geffen gives UCLA $100 million for scholarships
Kai Ryssdal
Dec 13, 2012
In an age of slashed state university budgets, UCLA Chancellor Gene Block calls Geffen's gift "visionary."
Charitable giving hangs on
Jun 20, 2012
Charitable giving adds up to 2 percent of real gross domestic product, down from a recent peak of 2.3 percent in 2001.
Charitable giving swells in December
Dec 27, 2011
December is a big month for charities, and even in tough times, Americans are giving to those in need.
Magnifying Your Money
Dec 23, 2011
Micro grants turn a tiny amount of donated money into something big. Commentator Jennifer 8 Lee describe how it works.
How to give, awesomely
Dec 7, 2011
One organization is using small grants to create projects throughout the world. It's an example of microphilanthropy.
For public good, not for profit.
What pushes us to give
Kai Ryssdal
Dec 6, 2011
As part of our philanthropy series, we take a look at how we think about giving.
Charity in a down economy
Kai Ryssdal
Dec 6, 2011
Three years after the start of the recession, we revisit the Los Angeles' Boys & Girls club as a gauge on how nonprofits are faring.