Comparing CEO-to-employee pay ratios

Apr 30, 2013
Bloomberg breaks down the CEO-to-worker pay ratios of the top companies in the S&P 500 index.

Staying on as a 4 percent of your usual pay

Apr 5, 2013
JCPenney cut a top executive's salary by more than 96 percent. Other corporate boards also took a whack this week at poor performers. The curious case of executives who know they're not doing well, but keep working anyway.
JCPenney CEO Ron Johnson at Pier 57 on January 25, 2012 in New York City.
Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images for jcpenney

Are CEOs worth 380 times what the average worker makes?

Mar 8, 2013
A new viral video called "Wealth Inequality in America" has put a spotlight on CEO pay.