Why centering Black women in the economy could benefit everyone

Sep 1, 2020
Economist Janelle Jones has three words that sum up her idea for building an economy that works for everyone: Black Women Best.
Black women are typically one of the hardest hit groups in recessions and the last to benefit in recoveries. What would happen if economic policy was centered around helping them succeed?
FG Trade/Getty Images

For Black women, the pay gap persists

Aug 13, 2020
In times of crisis, existing patterns of inequality become more pronounced.
Before the pandemic, a Black woman made 62 cents for every dollar a white man made. But COVID-19 has likely exacerbated that.
Drazen Zigic/Getty Images

The pipeline problem for Black women in economics

Jul 1, 2020
Kai Ryssdal talks with Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman, CEO of the Sadie Collective.
Graduates of Spelman College in Georgia, a historically Black women's college, attend commencement ceremonies in 2002.
Erik S. Lesser/Getty Images

Equal Pay Day for black women marks a persistent wage gap

Aug 23, 2019
For Latina women, the gap is even wider—it won’t be equal pay day until around Thanksgiving.
Jeff Kowalsky/AFP/Getty Images

Making a video game about your life

Mar 7, 2019
Catt Small's newest game puts the player in very familiar shoes — her own.
For Catt Small, creator of the game "Sweetheart," game development is about "trying to understand ways to communicate what it means to be a person to other people." 
Courtesy of Catt Small

Conference of African-American women offers platform for exercising economic and political power

Feb 21, 2018
Black women own about 1.5 million businesses in the U.S. At an Atlanta gathering, they set an agenda for making their voices heard.
Labriah Lee Holt stands inside her blow-dry salon, which she plans to open in May. She'd like to see more support for women entrepreneurs of color.
Elly Yu

Why there still aren't a lot of black women executives

Oct 11, 2017
"It's hard if you're a white woman. It is triple time harder for African-American women and other women of color, too."
Paul Morigi/Getty Images for Fortune

For public good, not for profit.