Super Tuesday results shed light on economic issues

Mar 7, 2012
Now that Super Tuesday has played out, we're getting a sharper focus on what voters care about most. Six in ten voters considered the economy the top issue.

How do Americans feel about health care reform?

Mar 1, 2012
Frank Newport, the editor-in-chief of Gallup, talks about Americans' attitude toward health care reform and the role it could play in this year's presidential election.

New voters swinging Virginia from red to blue

Feb 29, 2012
When Barack Obama won Virginia in 2008, it was the first time a Democrat carried the traditionally GOP state in a presidential election since 1964. Thanks to an influx of new hip, young voters, the president could win Virginia again.

As gas prices rise, Obama to speak on energy future

Feb 23, 2012
Rising prices at the gas pump could threaten the economic recovery and pose an election year problem for Obama. What can he do?

Obama speaks about gas prices

Feb 23, 2012
The president spoke to the crowd at the University of Miami about American energy.

The return of manufacturing?

Feb 22, 2012
The GOP candidates and President Obama all have plans to boost manufacturing, but commentator Robert Reich says they're mostly wishful thinking.

The economy's looking up, but can Obama take credit?

Feb 16, 2012
Commentator Megan McArdle says no president has that much control over the economy.

For public good, not for profit.

What Americans think about President Obama's budget

Feb 16, 2012
Do Americans agree with President Obama's latest budget proposal? Gallup's editor-in-chief Frank Newport explains what Americans want the government to cut and spend more money on.

The problem with Obama's carrots and sticks plan

Feb 1, 2012
President Obama plans to build much of his election-year policy agenda around carrots and sticks. But commentator Amity Shlaes that plan could backfire.