Stories Tagged as
Baby boomers
What's your vice? That might depend on your generation
Feb 7, 2025
84% of adults spend money on alcohol, tobacco, drugs or gambling, according to a new Bankrate study.
Home equity could fuel a massive wealth transfer in the coming years
Amy Scott
Jan 6, 2025
But even if baby boomers plan to pass on housing wealth to their heirs, they might end up needing it themselves.
Retirement communities are creating a "steady stream" of spending for local economies
Kimberly Adams
and Sarah Leeson
Jul 18, 2024
At Sun City Texas, where the median age is 73, seniors are kicking up their heels and patronizing a variety of nearby businesses.
Why are Gen Xers worried about retirement?
Jul 10, 2024
According to a new survey from BlackRock, only 60% of Gen Xers say they are on track to have enough retirement savings. And time is running out -- the oldest of them are reaching retirement age.
“I’m at a point where I want to enjoy my life”
Jun 14, 2023
Baby boomer Barbara Talisman quit her job to travel the world. Research shows her generation wants to live it up as younger folks spend less.
Debunking the myths about millennials, boomers and other generations
David Brancaccio
and Alex Schroeder
Apr 25, 2023
It's not true that all baby boomers are better off and millennials have no chance at owning homes.
What did my Gen Z coworker just say?
Dec 26, 2022
Gen Z has developed its own way to communicate and is now bringing it into the workplace. But their use of language is leaving older colleagues bewildered.
For public good, not for profit.
Low wages and high costs clash in the home health care crisis for aging Americans
Kimberly Adams
and Anais Amin
Apr 8, 2022
“We've never invested in the ability of families to afford the care that they need,” says Ai-jen Poo of the National Domestic Workers Alliance.
Is income inequality the reason why interest rates have been low?
David Brancaccio
, Chris Farrell
and Daniel Shin
Sep 16, 2021
Wealthy people and their savings are driving down interest rates, a recent paper suggests. Marketplace contributor Chris Farrell explains it.
Multigenerational households make good economic sense
Jan 5, 2021
The most recent numbers we have show 20% of the American population is living in multigenerational households.