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Congress has three weeks before its next break — and a mighty long to-do list

Jul 10, 2017
Congress is back from its July Fourth break, facing a daunting to-do list, like the reauthorization of expiring programs, funding for veterans, children’s health insurance and the Federal Aviation Administration. Lawmakers are scheduled to start their August recess in just three weeks. Health care is at the top of Congress’ agenda, but if it doesn’t […]

How did we end up with health insurance being tied to our jobs?

Jun 28, 2017
It started with a national wage cap during WWII.
Three Lions/Getty Images

On health care, consumer groups have no seat at the table

Jun 19, 2017
The Senate is working to get its own version of the American Health Care Act ready before it goes on recess July 3. Only a small group of senators is working on it, without the input of many other people. This has been frustrating for some consumer groups, who say they’ve been locked out. So many […]

Breaking down the new CBO score on the House's health care act

May 24, 2017
The Congressional Budget Office estimates 23 million more Americans will be without insurance by 2026 under the amended bill.
 President Trump and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan in the White House Rose Garden after the House of Representative passed the health care bill on May 4.

CBO score tallies how many will be covered by revised GOP health plan

May 24, 2017
The Congressional Budget Office will release its assessment, or “score,” of the House GOP’s revised health plan this afternoon. When the first draft was released back in March, the CBO estimated 24 million people would lose health insurance under that plan. Among the questions are, will this revised plan cover more people than the last […]

If $7 billion in Obamacare subsidies disappear, insurers will likely raise premiums

May 23, 2017
Legal wrangling between the Trump Administration and House Republicans leaves $7 billion of Obamacare subsidies in question. That has health insurance executives reaching for antacid, because it means they may have to jack up premiums. They have to assume that fewer people will buy health insurance if they don’t get subsidies to pay for it, […]

'It is a terrible mistake' to vote on health care bill without a CBO score, the former director says

May 4, 2017
Douglas Elmendorf says the agency will build on the estimated economic impact for the original legislation.
U.S. Rep. Kevin Brady, left, (R-TX), President Donald Trump, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI), House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) participate in a Rose Garden event Thursday at the White House after the House has passed the American Health Care Act 217-213. The bill now goes to the Senate. 
Alex Wong/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Weekly Wrap: Health care bill falls apart. Now what?

Mar 24, 2017
Leigh Gallagher of Fortune and Sudeep Reddy of Politico join us to discuss the week’s business and economic news. This week, they talk about the GOP’s health care bill falling apart and what comes next now that President Donald Trump shifts focus on tax reform.   
President Donald Trump asked Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to withdraw the Republican health care bill moments before a vote.

Conservatives want the government to stop mandating what insurers must cover

Mar 23, 2017
The latest carrot that House leadership and the White House are using to win conservative Republican votes for the health care bill is repealing an Obamacare provision that standardized insurance policies. Under Obamacare, virtually all insurance policies cover things like hospitalization, mental health, prescription drugs and pregnancies – known as essential health benefits. But guaranteeing those […]

Hospitals worry as Obamacare repeal vote approaches

Mar 23, 2017
If more people lose insurance, hospitals will lose millions of dollars.
It takes money to buy powerful hospital equipment. If Obamacare is repealed, it could threaten hospital revenue streams.
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images