Marketplace for Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Jun 3, 2015

Marketplace for Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Airing on Wednesday, June 3, 2015: Marketplace's Kai Ryssdal meets with President Obama in the Oval Office to talk about free trade and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Next: Williston, North Dakota, has undergone some oil booms and busts over the past several decades. Amid low oil prices, some are wondering whether the city is experiencing another bust or just a slowdown. 

Segments From this episode

President Obama says China open to joining trade partnership

Jun 3, 2015
Kai sits down with the POTUS to discuss TPP and the future of international trade.

North Dakota oil town: Is it a bust or a slowdown?

Jun 3, 2015
Some developers are pushing ahead in Williston despite lower prices per barrel.

Airing on Wednesday, June 3, 2015: Marketplace’s Kai Ryssdal meets with President Obama in the Oval Office to talk about free trade and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Next: Williston, North Dakota, has undergone some oil booms and busts over the past several decades. Amid low oil prices, some are wondering whether the city is experiencing another bust or just a slowdown. 

Music from the episode

Det haster! Casiokids
Det haster! Casiokids
Last Fare Little People
Last Fare Little People