With the Dow at 18,000, GDP at 5 percent, and consumer spending and sentiment up, is the stock market a good reflection of the economy? Plus, Nicaragua, one of the poorest nations in the Americas, broke ground on a cross-country canal that it hopes will compete with its rival in Panama. Discussed for centuries, the canal is expected to be built in five years – by a Chinese company. As the project begins, there are concerns about an increasing commercial Chinese footprint in Central America.
With the Dow at 18,000, GDP at 5 percent, and consumer spending and sentiment up, is the stock market a good reflection of the economy? Plus, Nicaragua, one of the poorest nations in the Americas, broke ground on a cross-country canal that it hopes will compete with its rival in Panama. Discussed for centuries, the canal is expected to be built in five years – by a Chinese company. As the project begins, there are concerns about an increasing commercial Chinese footprint in Central America.