Airing on Tuesday Dec. 16, 2014: AMC theaters are offering a subscription deal. For $100 a month, you can see as many movies as you like. We look at how businesses are using auto-pay subscription models. Plus, Russia's central bank raised interest rates overnight by 17 percent in an unsuccessful attempt to stem the continuing decline of the ruble. With the failure of this latest effort to shore up its currency, Russia’s economic turmoil is affecting global markets as investors lose confidence.
Airing on Tuesday Dec. 16, 2014: AMC theaters are offering a subscription deal. For $100 a month, you can see as many movies as you like. We look at how businesses are using auto-pay subscription models. Plus, Russia’s central bank raised interest rates overnight by 17 percent in an unsuccessful attempt to stem the continuing decline of the ruble. With the failure of this latest effort to shore up its currency, Russia’s economic turmoil is affecting global markets as investors lose confidence.