China and the United States have filed complaints against one another with the World Trade Organization, so what does that mean for global business? Plus, the Chicago teachers' strike is slogging onward, but at least one suburb is still going to class. We look at what kind of damage a shortage in the critical gas helium is doing for health care and the military (not just birthday parties). And it's Sports Monday here at Marketplace as Mark Garrison looks at the NHL lockout, and Zachary Barr inspects golf's recent -- but sharp -- slide down the hole.
China and the United States have filed complaints against one another with the World Trade Organization, so what does that mean for global business? Plus, the Chicago teachers’ strike is slogging onward, but at least one suburb is still going to class. We look at what kind of damage a shortage in the critical gas helium is doing for health care and the military (not just birthday parties). And it’s Sports Monday here at Marketplace as Mark Garrison looks at the NHL lockout, and Zachary Barr inspects golf’s recent — but sharp — slide down the hole.