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Marketplace for Monday, August 13, 2012
Aug 13, 2012

Marketplace for Monday, August 13, 2012


Mitt Romney's choice for vice presidential candidate is young and in the know, so how long before Americans start doing as Paul Ryan does and spending their money in the same places and on the same things? And we look into whether it could really be the budget and government spending -- and not the economy -- that's top of mind for voters. Google has announced it's buying the travel guidebook company Frommers. A New York judge says that credit card companies are utilizing the same robo-signing tactics used during the mortgage crisis to collect credit card debt. And Kai Ryssdal talks to Garret Keizer about his new book about privacy.

Segments From this episode

Barack Obama's already lost one congressional district

Aug 13, 2012
Don't expect the Wisconsin's 1st District to go blue this November.

Does 'it's the budget, stupid' resonate with voters?

Aug 13, 2012
Republican veep pick Paul Ryan a name for himself by proposing deep cuts in the federal budget. Will his focus on budget issues play well in November?

A work-around for sanctions in Syria

Aug 13, 2012
There are lots of ways that U.S. companies get around sanctions in foreign countries. But the trail isn't easy to follow.

MundoFox takes on Univision and Telemundo

Aug 13, 2012
News Corp. launches Spanish-language network in the U.S.

What Google wants with travel guide Frommer's

Aug 13, 2012
Mergers and acquisitions news today as Google adds guidebook company Frommer's to its travel and entertainment quiver. What does the search company want to do with the old-school guidebook?

The Ryan effect -- on brands, even hobbies he likes

Aug 13, 2012
Political stars have a way of driving business. What impact will Paul Ryan’s passion for fitness and outdoor activities have in the marketplace?

Robo-signing moves to credit cards

Aug 13, 2012
First came mortgages. Now, courts are ruling against credit card issuers for sloppy paperwork or lack of proof when they sue alleged deadbeats.

How privacy is viewed today

Aug 13, 2012
Author Garret Keizer on the price of privacy and whether it is less valued today than in the past.

With summer heat turned up, businesses adapt

Aug 13, 2012
Both drought and heat are taking their toll on small businesses, but businesses find ways to get by and even prosper.

Mitt Romney’s choice for vice presidential candidate is young and in the know, so how long before Americans start doing as Paul Ryan does and spending their money in the same places and on the same things? And we look into whether it could really be the budget and government spending — and not the economy — that’s top of mind for voters. Google has announced it’s buying the travel guidebook company Frommers. A New York judge says that credit card companies are utilizing the same robo-signing tactics used during the mortgage crisis to collect credit card debt. And Kai Ryssdal talks to Garret Keizer about his new book about privacy.

Music from the episode

Brooklyn Is Burning Head Automatica
Baghdad Sun Apollo Brown
Got It Twisted Mobb Deep
VCR The xx
Notations Lymbyc Systym
Notations Lymbyc Systym