Marketplace for Friday, January 9, 2015
Jan 9, 2015

Marketplace for Friday, January 9, 2015


In theory, a growing economy and tighter labor market mean increasing competition among employers, which should push wages up. That's still not happening. Plus. Time Warner Cable and AOL merged 15 years ago, and almost immediately fell behind the times, partly due to the culture clash that occurred when old and new media became one. Also: President Obama proposes making two years of community college free. What would that accomplish? 

Segments From this episode

Meet the woman who brought you the Tupperware Party

Dec 3, 2014
Brownie Wise pioneered sale of products at home parties. Then Tupperware fired her.

Your Wallet: Inheritance

What are some of the things that you've inherited over the years?

Obama proposes free community college plan

Jan 9, 2015
"No one with the drive and discipline" should be denied a college education, president says.

Jobs are rebounding. Why are wages stagnant?

Jan 9, 2015
More jobs should demand for and higher wages, but that isn't happening.

Time Warner and AOL: The marriage that never took

Jan 9, 2015
Companies' merger was once hailed as the leading edge of a new age, the Internet.

Forget the selfie, how about a 'dronie'?

Jan 9, 2015
At Consumer Electronics Show, drones get their own section, complete with safety nets.

Fun Fact Friday: This is the way the world ends

Jan 9, 2015
A wrap up of what we learned this week at Marketplace.

Sony might break even with 'The Interview' after all

Jan 9, 2015
Our best guess: Studio may bring in about $60 million from "The Interview."

In theory, a growing economy and tighter labor market mean increasing competition among employers, which should push wages up. That’s still not happening. Plus. Time Warner Cable and AOL merged 15 years ago, and almost immediately fell behind the times, partly due to the culture clash that occurred when old and new media became one. Also: President Obama proposes making two years of community college free. What would that accomplish? 

Music from the episode