Marketplace for Friday, February 8, 2013
Feb 8, 2013

Marketplace for Friday, February 8, 2013


The White House urges Congress to avoid the 'sequester' -- with apocolyptic examples of what could happen if it doesn't. Automakers introduce new diesel models for U.S. drivers. Eve Troeh explains how researchers are trying to persuade taxpayers to save, not spend, their refunds. In Eastern China, air pollultion levels have reached historic levels, but Rob Schmitz looks at business opportunities that have actually brightened amid the smog. As the fight over background checks on gun-buyers heats up, David Gura finds out what it really takes to buy a firearm. And as 'Nemo' hits the East Coast, flight attendant Sara Keagle talks about being grounded in the snow.

Segments From this episode

Background check: what it really takes to buy a gun

Feb 7, 2013
In most states, buyers fill out a federal form that the gun dealer keeps in his shop. In restrictive states, for some guns, buyers need to provide references.
In most states, background checks at a gun store can take a few minutes. In Maryland, checks for buyers of semiautomatic weapons are much stricter. Bob Arthur owns Shooters Supply in Berlin, Md.
David Gura

Pollution boosts clean air industry in China

Feb 7, 2013
Severe air pollution in Eastern China this year has spurred an economic boom for companies making filtration machines, masks, and even clean air 'domes'.

Just say no to 'Nemo'

Feb 8, 2013
Why we should boycott 'Nemo' and any other storm name the Weather Channel dreams up.

Persuading us to save not spend our tax refund

Feb 8, 2013
Researchers to track a TurboTax reminder at the "golden moment" when taxpayers can be motivated to save.

Massive snow storm snarls U.S. airlines, passengers

Feb 8, 2013
As snowstorm 'Nemo' approaches the East Coast, airlines are preemptively cancelling thousands of flights. That means headaches for many travelers, but how does being grounded affect those work in the airline industry?

'Sequester' could cripple recovery: White House

Feb 8, 2013
Today the White House released a fact sheet on how the sequester could potentially impact jobs, the economy, and the middle class.

U.S. oil imports are down, narrowing the trade deficit

Feb 8, 2013
The transportation system for fuel in the U.S. is inadequate, though, so some oil always has to be imported to where it's needed.

Carmakers take new look at diesel

Feb 8, 2013
Automakers are introducing new diesel models for U.S. drivers, as gas prices rise and tougher fuel-efficiency standards approach.
Chevrolet, Mazda and Mercedes are all introducing new diesel car models this year.
Sean Gallup/Getty Image

The White House urges Congress to avoid the ‘sequester’ — with apocolyptic examples of what could happen if it doesn’t. Automakers introduce new diesel models for U.S. drivers. Eve Troeh explains how researchers are trying to persuade taxpayers to save, not spend, their refunds. In Eastern China, air pollultion levels have reached historic levels, but Rob Schmitz looks at business opportunities that have actually brightened amid the smog. As the fight over background checks on gun-buyers heats up, David Gura finds out what it really takes to buy a firearm. And as ‘Nemo’ hits the East Coast, flight attendant Sara Keagle talks about being grounded in the snow.

Music from the episode

Drum Babylon Mux Mool
Alpha Vangelis
The Chicken Biréli Lagrène, Jaco Pastorius
Alone, Together The Strokes