Marketplace for Friday, December 30, 2011
Dec 30, 2011

Marketplace for Friday, December 30, 2011


2011 was a year of leadership changes and a rise in cloud computing in the world of Silicon Valley. IBM joins other tech giants and gets a new CEO. Verizon has reversed its decision to add a new $2 fee; Eve Troeh looks at how customers fought back on fees this year. The Weekly Wrap talks about the most negative and positive news from Wall Street in 2011, while the Dinner Party guys offer their favorite offbeat stories. And as a biopic of Margaret Thatcher opens this weekend in theaters, Stephen Beard visits the former U.K. prime minister's hometown.

Segments From this episode

Best of 'Small Talk' in 2011

Dec 30, 2011
A showcase of the most amusing under-the-radar business stories of 2011.

2011 in review: The changes in Silicon Valley

Dec 30, 2011
The big corner-office changes this past year, and why your living room is the next, big battleground for tech giants like Apple and Google.

Weekly Wrap: The year on Wall Street

Dec 30, 2011
Reviewing the most negative and positive headlines from Wall Street and the business world this year.

Thatcher's legacy disputed, even in her hometown

Dec 30, 2011
The movie about Margaret Thatcher has mixed reviews. Opinions on the former British prime minister are also divided.

IBM's new CEO sees gold in data mining

Dec 30, 2011
Virginia Rometty takes over leadership of "Big Blue," and sees a profitable future in making sense of the growing mountain of digital data.

Verizon reversal caps the year of the fee

Dec 30, 2011
2011 goes down in history as the year businesses pushed too far on fees.
2011 goes down in history as the year businesses pushed too far on fees.

When customers push back on fees

Dec 30, 2011
Verizon's had its "B of A moment," reversing on its decision to add a new fee after customers retaliated.

2011 was a year of leadership changes and a rise in cloud computing in the world of Silicon Valley. IBM joins other tech giants and gets a new CEO. Verizon has reversed its decision to add a new $2 fee; Eve Troeh looks at how customers fought back on fees this year. The Weekly Wrap talks about the most negative and positive news from Wall Street in 2011, while the Dinner Party guys offer their favorite offbeat stories. And as a biopic of Margaret Thatcher opens this weekend in theaters, Stephen Beard visits the former U.K. prime minister’s hometown.

Music from the episode

Telephone Cover All Stars
The Second Date Oddisee