How the government took over Fannie and Freddie
A decade ago this week, the government agreed to take over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to help stabilize the housing market. We'll take a look back at how it all happened and interview Freddie's CEO. But first: Wage growth is sluggish by most measures, but a new report from the White House says those figures don't tell the whole story. Plus: What have we learned a year after the Equifax data breach?
A decade ago this week, the government agreed to take over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to help stabilize the housing market. We’ll take a look back at how it all happened and interview Freddie’s CEO. But first: Wage growth is sluggish by most measures, but a new report from the White House says those figures don’t tell the whole story. Plus: What have we learned a year after the Equifax data breach?