06/23/2017: The fight brewing in the solar-panel industry
Jun 23, 2017

06/23/2017: The fight brewing in the solar-panel industry


A draft of the Senate's version of the Republican health care bill is finally here. We'll talk about the changes it would make to Medicaid, and whether consumer behavior would change under the plan. Afterwards, we'll look at the conflict brewing between U.S. solar panel makers and foreign ones. Two American manufacturers have asked for steep tariffs on foreign panels because of their cheap prices, which makes it hard to compete. 

Segments From this episode

Solar tariffs request is dividing the industry

Jun 23, 2017
Cheap imported panels hurt manufacturers but are key to other solar businesses.
China went from producing very little of the world's solar equipment 20 years ago to becoming the leading producer.
John Moore/Getty Images

Japan and the EU head for a massive trade deal

Jun 23, 2017
Japan and the European Union say they’re close to agreement on a broad free-trade deal. It would be the largest such pact for the EU. The two trading partners have been hammering out this deal since 2013, but negotiations have taken on new urgency recently.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story. […]

Will the Senate's new GOP health care bill ultimately lead to better services?

Jun 23, 2017
Some people may end up not seeking treatment.
Peter Yanez, who is insured under a policy from the Affordable Care Act, has blood drawn by Linda Williams, a medical assistant, at a Planned Parenthood health center in Miami, Florida.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Mayors are hungry for details about Trump's infrastructure plan

Jun 23, 2017
More than 250 mayors are in Miami Beach for the annual U.S. Conference of Mayors. A White House infrastructure adviser is there, too, and city leaders have plenty of questions. What’s in Trump’s infrastructure plan as far as federal partnerships with cities and states? The plan includes about 200 million in federal spending to leverage […]

06/23/2017: What's going on with America's infrastructure?

Jun 23, 2017
Now that Senate Republicans have released the draft for their bill on health care reform, we'll recap how the markets are doing. Chris Low, chief economist at FTN Financial, joined us to explain why health care stocks have been reacting positively. (Hint: It's not expected to actually pass.) Afterwards, we'll look at what Japan and the European Union have in store for their free-trade agreement, and then explore some of the questions U.S. mayors have surrounding Trump's infrastructure promises.

A draft of the Senate’s version of the Republican health care bill is finally here. We’ll talk about the changes it would make to Medicaid, and whether consumer behavior would change under the plan. Afterwards, we’ll look at the conflict brewing between U.S. solar panel makers and foreign ones. Two American manufacturers have asked for steep tariffs on foreign panels because of their cheap prices, which makes it hard to compete.