06/15/2017: The U.S. has more Disney World workers than coal miners
Jun 15, 2017

06/15/2017: The U.S. has more Disney World workers than coal miners


EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt caught a lot of heat for claiming the U.S. has added 50,000 coal jobs. That's not true; there are actually about 51,000 coal miners in this country total. That small group wields out-sized political influence, so we'll do numbers on the coal industry and the way energy is moving overall. Then: A gas explosion in Colorado this spring is renewing an intense debate in that state over drilling in urban areas. Plus, as we approach the ten-year anniversary of the iPhone, we'll take a look at the untold stories of its invention with author Brian Merchant.

Segments From this episode

A deadly home explosion renews debate on drilling near homes

Jun 15, 2017
High housing costs in Denver are driving home development in outlying areas close to oil and gas infrastructure.

Looking back at the birth of the iPhone, 10 years later

Jun 15, 2017
Brian Merchant has the backstory on the iPhone's creation in his new book, "The One Device: The Secret History of the iPhone"
Steve Jobs unveils the iPhone at the Macworld Conference in January 2007 in San Francisco.

For-profit colleges may get less oversight under Trump administration

Jun 15, 2017
For-profit colleges may be getting a bit of a reprieve from the Trump administration. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos announced plans to roll back two Obama-era regulations that made life tough for that beleaguered industry. The gainful employment rule held those colleges accountable for a students’ earning potential after graduating. The other allowed students from colleges […]

Counting up American coal jobs: What's the real total?

Jun 15, 2017
Here are the numbers behind the much-discussed coal industry in the U.S.
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt speaks with coal miners at the Harvey Mine in Sycamore, Pennsylvania, in April.
Justin Merriman/Getty Images

You can stop saying 'iconic' now

Jun 15, 2017
Humorist and language fussbudget Jenny Allen wants to squash these overused words and phrases.

Nike is cutting its workforce and looking toward customized shoes

Jun 15, 2017
There have been a lot of challenges lately on the playing field for the world’s leading athletic brands. The sporting goods industry, like others in the retail sector, hasn’t been robust. Nike kept growing, though, with strong sales overseas and powerful branding in performance sneakers. But lately, upstart competitor Under Armour has come on fast. […]

After almost 10 years of shopping, the Fed gets ready to shrink its assets

Jun 15, 2017
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen on Wednesday discussed the Fed’s plans for its balance sheet. That’s the list of all the assets it owns, and it is huge: $4.5 trillion worth. The plan is to slowly shrink that down by a few billion dollars a month, starting soon. Here’s how the Fed came to own […]

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt caught a lot of heat for claiming the U.S. has added 50,000 coal jobs. That’s not true; there are actually about 51,000 coal miners in this country total. That small group wields out-sized political influence, so we’ll do numbers on the coal industry and the way energy is moving overall. Then: A gas explosion in Colorado this spring is renewing an intense debate in that state over drilling in urban areas. Plus, as we approach the ten-year anniversary of the iPhone, we’ll take a look at the untold stories of its invention with author Brian Merchant.

Music from the episode

Cream On Chrome Ratatat
Dangerous (feat. Joywave) Big Data, Joywave
Escapee Architecture In Helsinki
Fidelity Regina Spektor