04/11/2017: Will robots write the music you listen to in the future?
Apr 11, 2017

04/11/2017: Will robots write the music you listen to in the future?


The White House is putting trade front-and-center of its jobs policy, but when it comes to issues the American workforce faces, technology may be the bigger challenge. As part of our "Robot-Proof Jobs" series, Marketplace's David Brancaccio visits Oberlin, Ohio today to meet up with a composer — an occupation that the data suggest is immune to the forces of automation. Afterwards, we'll look at the future of Toshiba, which has reported a loss approaching $5 billion in the last nine months of 2016. 


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U.S. markets opened down Tuesday morning, reflecting global fears over several ongoing geopolitical threats. Economist Lindsey Piegza joins us to discuss some of the uncertainties the market faces, and where it may be headed if it continues focusing on international events. Afterwards, we'll look at how Toshiba is managing financial turmoil within the company. And finally, as part of our "Robot-Proof Jobs" series, we'll speak to Kuri, the latest robot that Marketplace's David Brancaccio is interviewing to be his sidekick.

The White House is putting trade front-and-center of its jobs policy, but when it comes to issues the American workforce faces, technology may be the bigger challenge. As part of our “Robot-Proof Jobs” series, Marketplace’s David Brancaccio visits Oberlin, Ohio today to meet up with a composer — an occupation that the data suggest is immune to the forces of automation. Afterwards, we’ll look at the future of Toshiba, which has reported a loss approaching $5 billion in the last nine months of 2016.