The marriage of AT&T and Time Warner is good to go, apparently.
Jun 13, 2018

The marriage of AT&T and Time Warner is good to go, apparently.


In a huge win for AT&T, a federal judge ruled that the company can buy Time Warner for an estimated $85 billion. The Department of Justice had sued to block the merger on antitrust grounds. It said that since AT&T also owns DirecTV, it could charge DirecTV competitors more to get, say, HBO or CNN, and that consumers would end up paying more as a result. And this won’t be the last big media merger headline this year. Marketplace Tech host Molly Wood talks with Recode reporter Peter Kafka about what this means for the media landscape going forward. (06/13/2018)

Segments From this episode

The marriage of AT&T and Time Warner is good to go, apparently.

Jun 13, 2018
What happens when the internet connection, the channels and the shows are brought to you by one company?
O'Melveny & Myers counsel Daniel M. Petrocelli speaks at a news conference in Time Warner headquarters addressing the latest developments in the AT&T and Time Warner merger on Nov. 20, 2017, in New York City.
Amir Levy/Getty Images

In a huge win for AT&T, a federal judge ruled that the company can buy Time Warner for an estimated $85 billion. The Department of Justice had sued to block the merger on antitrust grounds. It said that since AT&T also owns DirecTV, it could charge DirecTV competitors more to get, say, HBO or CNN, and that consumers would end up paying more as a result. And this won’t be the last big media merger headline this year. Marketplace Tech host Molly Wood talks with Recode reporter Peter Kafka about what this means for the media landscape going forward. (06/13/2018)

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