Just under 1 million people signed up for unemployment last week. Somehow, that’s an improvement.
Aug 13, 2020

Just under 1 million people signed up for unemployment last week. Somehow, that’s an improvement.

Last week, 963,000 more people signed up for unemployment benefits. Plus, how do we define price gouging? Also, how families are feeling about the upcoming school year. And, understanding the pay gap for Black women.

Segments From this episode

What constitutes price gouging?

Aug 13, 2020
States prohibit exorbitant price increases for essential goods during an emergency.
Rising prices by a lot on essential items — like eggs or medicine — during a crisis is illegal.
Philippe Huguen/AFP via Getty Images

Families are worried about the costs of online learning, study shows

Parents are concerned about what online learning could to do their finances and their career growth.
The burdens on families include paying for devices, internet connection and lunches, but also concerns about career growth for parents.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For Black women, the pay gap persists

Aug 13, 2020
In times of crisis, existing patterns of inequality become more pronounced.
Before the pandemic, a Black woman made 62 cents for every dollar a white man made. But COVID-19 has likely exacerbated that.
Drazen Zigic/Getty Images

The team

Victoria Craig Host, BBC
Stephen Ryan Senior Producer, BBC
Jonathan Frewin Producer, BBC
Daniel Shin Producer
Jay Siebold Technical Director
Meredith Garretson Morbey Senior Producer
Alex Schroeder Producer
Erika Soderstrom Producer
Rose Conlon Producer
Brian Allison Technical Director