Marketplace Morning Report for Wednesday, March 14, 2012
In an age of skyrocketing gas prices, what can we do to make our cars more fuel efficient? The Panama Canal is getting a makeover. In two years, it'll be able to handle ships that carry twice the cargo they handle now, and that could mean big things for ports on the East Coast of the United States. And Paypal is expected to announce tomorrow that it will launch a service where anyone can send or receive credit card and debit card payments over a smartphone.
In an age of skyrocketing gas prices, what can we do to make our cars more fuel efficient? The Panama Canal is getting a makeover. In two years, it’ll be able to handle ships that carry twice the cargo they handle now, and that could mean big things for ports on the East Coast of the United States. And Paypal is expected to announce tomorrow that it will launch a service where anyone can send or receive credit card and debit card payments over a smartphone.