Marketplace Morning Report for Tuesday August 5, 2014
The World Bank is pulling together 200 million dollars to bolster the overburdened health care systems and quarantine efforts in West Africa as troops and medical personnell work to contain the outbreak of deadly Ebola. Plus, Missouri voters are headed to the ballot booth today to decide whether to increase sales tax. Money raised would be used to fund roads and bridges. More on why your state might be next. And Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore and other cities across the country have their share of vacant or abandoned buildings and are struggling to figure out what to do with them. Fix them up or tear them down, is typically the binary choice. But now there's a third option: paint 'em and wait.
The World Bank is pulling together 200 million dollars to bolster the overburdened health care systems and quarantine efforts in West Africa as troops and medical personnell work to contain the outbreak of deadly Ebola. Plus, Missouri voters are headed to the ballot booth today to decide whether to increase sales tax. Money raised would be used to fund roads and bridges. More on why your state might be next. And Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore and other cities across the country have their share of vacant or abandoned buildings and are struggling to figure out what to do with them. Fix them up or tear them down, is typically the binary choice. But now there’s a third option: paint ’em and wait.